
Babble $BBL

πŸš€ Babble Ticker ($BBL) Private Sale - Get Ready! πŸš€

Babble’s tokenomics are designed to foster a thriving ecosystem, incentivize active participation, and support the ongoing development of the platform. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown:

πŸ’Ό Tax Structure:

Buy and Sell Tax: 5%

  • 1%: Project Maintenance

  • 2%: Marketing

  • 2%: Revenue Sharing

πŸ’° Token Distribution

  • Initial Liquidity Pool: 45% (45 Million Tokens)

  • Private Sale: 40% (40 Million Tokens)

  • Marketing & Partnerships: 10% (10 Million Tokens)

πŸ—“ Allocation of Presale Funds:

  • 70%: Dedicated to liquidity

  • 30%: Allocated for ongoing marketing efforts to enhance Babble’s visibility

⚠️ Important: All tokens will be airdropped to contributors prior to the official launch.

πŸš€ Launch Date:

Babble Ticker ($BBL) is set to officially launch on the Ethereum network at 7 PM UTC on Tuesday, August 20th!

Babble is committed to creating a sustainable and rewarding ecosystem where users benefit from both the utility of the AI assistant and the potential growth of the $BBL token. Join us and be part of the revolution in crypto voice communication!

Last updated